March 4, 2010

I love you and Buddha too...

Sitting on my bed in a $5 guest house in Kolkata and thought that maybe it’s time to update the blog. Just finished a yoga session on the roof top and so I am feeling fine. I’ve really been enjoying my own practice lately. Life is so simple, life is so simple, all you have to do is breath. I stole that line from a friend of mine. And I stole that line from a song. Such a little thief.

So I’ve been in Kolkata a few days now but thought I might give a quick account of my month in Nepal. My first day in Nepal was filled with so much beauty. At about 10am I met up with my friend Agni (formerly known as Georgina Ng) who is originally from Saskatoon and has been living in Nepal for about a year and a half, studying Tibetan and Buddhism. I know Agni because I used to practice yoga with her back in Saskatoon before she left Canada for Nepal. She is a beautiful and amazing person and an equally amazing yoga teacher.

After meeting up with Agni at the big stupa in Boudhanath (the Tibetan area of Kathmandu), she lead me to a quaint little outdoor restaurant called ‘Stupa Dining’, where her and her good friend Waylon were having tea. Agni introduced me to Waylon who was calmly sitting and strumming a guitar. Waylon had this amazing presence about him; beautiful, long, blond hair and intense, blue eyes. Waylon is a also an amazing yoga teacher and Agni and he used to be together for five years or so.

After 10 minutes of chatting with Waylon and Agni, several of Agni’s friends, who also study with her at the shedra (University), joined us. Shortly after they arrived, two more guitars were added into the mix and everyone started making music. It was so much fun. Agni and her friend German Mike have spent much of their spare time writing songs independently and together and they have about 10 to 15 songs about non-attachment, impermanence, wisdom and compassion, and of course love. They are going to be so famous one day. Waylon is also an amazing musician and who writes positive and amazing songs as well.

After the four hour jam session Agni, Waylon, and I all went back to Agni’s place and practiced yoga on her rooftop. I was really glad to be in Nepal with such beautiful people (smile). While in Nepal, I spent most of my time in Kathmandu in Boudhanath and I was really inspired by the Tibetan people and the dharma they practice. I really sense that Tibetans are likely here as a (maybe ‘the’) model for how human beings can (maybe ‘should’) be. Everything Tibetan Buddhists do spiritually is dedicated to the benefit of all sentient beings, without exception. I don’t know any other culture that dedicates all of the positive actions they do to the benefit of all. In fact, I don’t know any other culture or group of people who, when having to deal with having their land, culture, and religion stripped away from them, has reacted in such a non-violent and compassionate way towards their oppressors. I am really inspired by their culture, their love, and their compassion. A quote written on a movie sleeve of a documentary about Tibet reads, “Humanity needs Tibet.” I couldn’t agree more. I recommend the film ‘Unmistaken Child’ if you want to watch something amazing and really interesting related to Tibetan Buddhism – actually if you just want to watch something that is truly amazing.

I spent my last 8 days in Kathmandu at a Tibetan Monastery called Kopan. It was a beautiful and peaceful place and I was fortunate to be able to take part in a week long meditation retreat while there. Everything I learned and meditated on really resonated with me. And I believe it is the way, for me at least (with a few Taoist tricks thrown in). We actually had a two hour break each day and there was this lovely hill there where I, and a few others, would go practice yoga. It was amazing; you could see so much of Kathmandu from that hill. Of course I also met some lovely people there who were all on spiritual paths or who were starting their spiritual journeys. It was really beautiful.

So I feel really grateful for my time in Nepal and for being able to spend so much of it with Waylon and Agni while there. They are both such lovely and beautiful people and they actually got engaged while I was there (smile). Five years together, two years apart, and now they are planning to marry. They want me to come to Hawaii for their wedding next summer. It’s a lovely idea but I’m assuming I will still be in Asia then; but of course anything is possible. It was really beautiful to see two people so in love and who really care for each other so deeply. I am extremely happy for them and I love them both so much.

So now I’m in Kolkata. Waylon and I came here together but he left a few nights ago for China. Kolkata is actually quite nice and way more hassle free than Delhi or other places I’ve been to in the North of India. I was surprised. The girl I love was planning on meeting me here today but sadly something came up and plans changed. I believe she is now off to shine in Bali and be amazing there, because she is amazing everywhere she goes. So I’ll be here until tomorrow evening and then on my way to Varanasi (a very magical place) to spend some time chillin on the ghats before making my way to Kumbh Mela (the biggest spiritual gathering in the world). After that I’ll likely head to Dharamsala for another mediation retreat or two and then on to Rishikesh for a short yoga course. After that hopefully signs from the divine will guide me on.

Love you BIG time…

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